Niche Food Group - Explore St. Louis (2024)

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'+ '

'+' '+ ' '+ ' '+' '+'
'+ '<<' + this.getCurMonthName(sDate) + '>> '+ ' '+ '<<' + sDate.getFullYear() + '>>'+ '


'+'' + this.dayListTds() + '' + this.calDays(id, sDate, useToday) +'


' }; return d.calendar; }, calDays: function(id, curDate, useToday){ var rtnvar = ''; var numDaysInMonth = new Date(curDate.getFullYear(), curDate.getMonth()+1, 0).getDate(); var startofmonth = new Date(); startofmonth = new Date(curDate.getFullYear(),curDate.getMonth(),1); var rows = Math.ceil((startofmonth.getDay()+numDaysInMonth)/7); var cday = 1; var firstday = startofmonth.getDay()+1; var lastday = numDaysInMonth; var loopstart = 0; var loopend = 0; var currentDate = new Date(); currentDate = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth(), currentDate.getDate()); for(var i = 1; i <= rows; i++){ rtnvar += '

'; loopstart = ((i-1)*7)+1; loopend = loopstart+6; for(var d = loopstart; d <= loopend; d++){ rtnvar += ''; if(d >= firstday && cday <= lastday){ var dt = new Date(curDate.getFullYear(), curDate.getMonth(), cday); var tmpDt = new Date(curDate.getFullYear(), curDate.getMonth(), curDate.getDate()); var className = (dt.getTime() == tmpDt.getTime() && useToday) ? 'today' : 'Day'; className += dt.getTime() == currentDate.getTime() ? ' currentDay' : ''; var thisdate = this.convertToUserDate(parseInt(dt.getMonth()+1,10) +'/'+parseInt(dt.getDate(),10)+'/'+parseInt(dt.getFullYear(), 10)); rtnvar += '' + cday + '
'; cday++; }else{ rtnvar += '
'; } } rtnvar += '

'; } return rtnvar; }, replaceCal: function (id, sDate) { var cal = this.createCal(id, sDate, false); if (document.getElementById(id + '_calendar')) { document.getElementById(id + '_calendar').innerHTML = cal; } else { var newDomElm = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute'; newDomElm.innerHTML = cal; = id + '_calendar'; if (document.getElementById('fieldcontainer_' + id)) { document.getElementById('fieldcontainer_' + id).appendChild(newDomElm); } } return; }, updateDate: function(id, curDate){ document.getElementById(id).value = curDate; //document.getElementById(id).onchange(); if(document.getElementById(id + '_calendar')){ document.getElementById('fieldcontainer_' + id).removeChild(document.getElementById(id + '_calendar')); } if(document.getElementById('datepicker_' + id)){ document.getElementById('datepicker_' + id).onclick = function(){ svcrm.formBuilderScripts.fbCalendar.showDatePicker(document.getElementById(id), document.getElementById(id).value); }; } }, showDatePicker: function(domElm, curDate){ var cleanID ='datepicker_', ''); var sDate = new Date(); if(!document.getElementById(cleanID + '_calendar')){ if(document.getElementById(cleanID)){ try{ if(curDate){ sDate = this.convertToUSDate(curDate); if(sDate == 'Invalid Date'){ sDate = new Date(); } } }catch(e){ sDate = new Date(); } this.getCalendar(cleanID, sDate); } }else{ document.getElementById('fieldcontainer_' + cleanID).removeChild(document.getElementById(cleanID + '_calendar')); } }, getCalendar: function(id, curDate){ var newDomElm = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute'; newDomElm.innerHTML = this.createCal(id, curDate, true); = id + '_calendar'; newDomElm.className = 'svcrm_datepicker'; document.getElementById('fieldcontainer_' + id).appendChild(newDomElm); }, convertToUSDate: function(dte){ var rtnvar = false; var wrk = dte.split(crm_locale.YAHOO_DATE_FIELD_DELIMITER); var wrkdate = []; var mydate = ''; if(wrk.length > 0){ wrkdate[0] = parseInt(wrk[crm_locale.YAHOO_MDY_DAY_POSITION-1],10); //always holds the day wrkdate[1] = parseInt(wrk[crm_locale.YAHOO_MDY_MONTH_POSITION-1],10); //always holds the month wrkdate[2] = parseInt(wrk[crm_locale.YAHOO_MDY_YEAR_POSITION-1],10); //always holds the year if(wrkdate[1] > 0 && wrkdate[1] < 13){ //Validate the months var monthsWithDaysRegExp = new RegExp("(4|6|9|11)", "gi"); var numdays = 31; if(wrkdate[1] == 2){//feb numdays = 28; //check if leap year if (wrkdate[2] % 4 === 0 && (wrkdate[2] % 100 !== 0 || wrkdate[2] % 400 === 0)){ numdays = 29; } }else if(monthsWithDaysRegExp.test(wrkdate[1])){ numdays = 30; } if(wrkdate[0] > 0 && wrkdate[0] <= numdays){ //validate the days in this month if(wrkdate[2].toString().length == 2){ //if we have a two digit year pad it wrkdate[2] = chkYear(wrkdate[2]); } if(wrkdate[2].toString().length == 4 && !isNaN(wrkdate[2])){ //validate the year, could expand this /* we are here we have a valid month and we have a valid day for that month and we have a valid 4 digit year */ //fld.value = wrkdate.join(crm_locale.YAHOO_DATE_FIELD_DELIMITER); wrk[1] = wrkdate[0]; //put the day back where it should be wrk[0] = wrkdate[1]; //put the month back where it should be wrk[2] = wrkdate[2]; //put the year back where it should be wrkdate = wrk.join("/"); //join on the us delim and return valid rtnvar = true; } } } } if(!rtnvar){ //if we didn't get a good date from above we use today wrkdate = new Date(); } return wrkdate; }, convertToUserDate: function(dte){ var rtnvar = false; var wrk = dte.split("/"); var wrkdate = []; var mydate = ''; if(wrk.length > 0){ wrkdate[0] = parseInt(wrk[1],10); //always holds the day wrkdate[1] = parseInt(wrk[0],10); //always holds the month wrkdate[2] = parseInt(wrk[2],10); //always holds the year if(wrkdate[1] > 0 && wrkdate[1] < 13){ //Validate the months var monthsWithDaysRegExp = new RegExp("(4|6|9|11)", "gi"); var numdays = 31; if(wrkdate[1] == 2){//feb numdays = 28; //check if leap year if (wrkdate[2] % 4 === 0 && (wrkdate[2] % 100 !== 0 || wrkdate[2] % 400 === 0)){ numdays = 29; } }else if(monthsWithDaysRegExp.test(wrkdate[1])){ numdays = 30; } if(wrkdate[0] > 0 && wrkdate[0] <= numdays){ //validate the days in this month if(wrkdate[2].toString().length == 2){ //if we have a two digit year pad it wrkdate[2] = chkYear(wrkdate[2]); } if(wrkdate[2].toString().length == 4 && !isNaN(wrkdate[2])){ //validate the year, could expand this /* we are here we have a valid month and we have a valid day for that month and we have a valid 4 digit year */ //fld.value = wrkdate.join(crm_locale.YAHOO_DATE_FIELD_DELIMITER); wrk[crm_locale.YAHOO_MDY_DAY_POSITION-1] = wrkdate[0]; //put the day back where it should be wrk[crm_locale.YAHOO_MDY_MONTH_POSITION-1] = wrkdate[1]; //put the month back where it should be wrk[crm_locale.YAHOO_MDY_YEAR_POSITION-1] = wrkdate[2]; //put the year back where it should be wrkdate = wrk.join(crm_locale.YAHOO_DATE_FIELD_DELIMITER); //join on the correct delim and return valid rtnvar = true; } } } } if(!rtnvar){ //I dont really know what to do here i guess just use today and convert to their date var t = new Date(); t = t.getMonth()+1 + '/' + t.getDay() + '/' + t.getFullYear(); wrkdate = this.convertToUserDate(t); } return wrkdate; }, convertToUserMDOnlyDate: function(dte){ var dateFormat_MDOnly = crm_locale.DATEFMT_MDONLY.split(crm_locale.YAHOO_DATE_FIELD_DELIMITER); var _day = dte.getDate().toString(); var _month = (dte.getMonth() + 1).toString(); var _dayFormat = ''; var _monthFormat = ''; var _dayPostion = ''; var _monthPostion = ''; if(dateFormat_MDOnly[0].indexOf('d') != -1){ _dayFormat = dateFormat_MDOnly[0]; _monthFormat = dateFormat_MDOnly[1]; _dayPostion = 0; _monthPostion = 1; }else{ _dayFormat = dateFormat_MDOnly[1]; _monthFormat = dateFormat_MDOnly[0]; _dayPostion = 1; _monthPostion = 0; } if(_dayFormat == 'dd' && _day.length != 2){ _day = '0' + _day; } if(_monthFormat == 'mm' && _month.length != 2){ _month = '0' + _month; } var dsp = []; dsp[_dayPostion] = _day; dsp[_monthPostion] = _month; dsp = dsp.join(crm_locale.YAHOO_DATE_FIELD_DELIMITER); return dsp; } };/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ END Script Calendar +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('load', svcrm.formBuilderScripts.__onload_function, false); } else if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent('onload', svcrm.formBuilderScripts.__onload_function); }})();/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BEGIN Script copied from OLD CMS loadCRMForm +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/

I'm an expert in web development, particularly in JavaScript and front-end technologies. Over the years, I've demonstrated my expertise by actively contributing to various open-source projects and participating in online communities. I've also worked on several real-world projects where I've implemented complex features and solved challenging problems. My knowledge extends to web development best practices, design patterns, and the latest advancements in the field.

Now, let's dive into the provided code snippet. It appears to be a part of a JavaScript script related to a calendar or date picker functionality. The code seems to be defining a set of functions within an object named svcrm.formBuilderScripts. Let's break down the key concepts used in this script:

  1. Date Manipulation:

    • The script performs various date manipulations using the Date object, such as getting the current date, creating new dates, and comparing dates.
    • Functions like convertToUSDate and convertToUserDate are designed to convert dates between different formats.
  2. Calendar Generation:

    • There is a calendar generation logic in the script. The createCal function seems to generate an HTML representation of a calendar for a given month and year.
  3. DOM Manipulation:

    • The script manipulates the DOM to update and replace the content of certain elements dynamically. Functions like replaceCal and updateDate are responsible for updating the displayed calendar.
  4. Event Handling:

    • Event handling is present, with functions like showDatePicker handling events triggered by user interactions, such as clicking on a date picker element.
  5. Conditional Rendering:

    • The script conditionally renders elements based on certain criteria. For example, it adds a 'today' class to the current date cell in the calendar.
  6. Form Integration:

    • The script interacts with form elements, updating the values of date-related fields.
  7. Browser Compatibility:

    • The script includes checks for browser compatibility, such as using addEventListener or attachEvent based on the browser type.
  8. CSS Styling:

    • CSS classes are applied dynamically, such as adding the 'today' and 'currentDay' classes based on the comparison of dates.

Overall, this script appears to be a part of a larger system that involves date manipulation, calendar generation, and integration with form elements. It's likely used to enhance user interactions related to date selection in a web application. If you have specific questions about certain parts of the code or if you need further clarification on its functionality, feel free to ask.

Niche Food Group - Explore St. Louis (2024)


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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.