American Express Bank Mumbai Address, Contact Number (2024)

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American Express Bank Mumbai Address, Contact Number (1)

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American Express Bank Mumbai Address, Contact Number (2)

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American Express Bank Mumbai Address, Contact Number (2024)


How do I contact American Express? ›

American Express has a few customer service lines depending on your card type:
  1. Personal cards — 800-528-4800.
  2. Business cards — 800-492-3344.
  3. Corporate cards — 800-528-2122.
Jul 20, 2023

What is the phone number for American Express balance? ›

If you need assistance, please call Customer Service at 1-888-244-0327.

Does Amex have 24 7 customer service? ›

When we say we're here for you, we mean it. Our “office hours” never end, so you can get in touch with us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. (Yes, you can speak with an actual human.) Our customer service representatives are here to answer your call – 24/7.

How do I call American Express from India? ›

1800-425-6969. Website: Email: This information is provided by American Express Banking Corp. (AEBC), India, having its Principal office at MGF Metropolitan, Office Tower, Level 7, District Centre, Saket, New Delhi-110017.

Does American Express have good customer service? ›

American Express came in at No. 1 in the J.D. Power study with 848 out of 1,000 points. This is not surprising — Amex is well known for its great customer service. It offers 24/7 customer service over the phone, secure messaging and even online chat.

Is American Express a bank? ›

Yes, American Express is a bank. American Express is an online-only bank that offers its customers credit cards, savings accounts, and certificates of deposit (CDs). Its products also include loans and checking accounts for small businesses.

What is full American Express account number? ›

You can find your American Express (Amex) account number on the front of your card. It is a 15-digit number that typically starts with either "34" or "37". If you cannot find your physical card, you can also find your account number by logging into your Amex online account or mobile app.

What is the minimum balance in American Express Bank? ›

You can apply online for an Amex Rewards Checking account in minutes, without paying a fee. Once you've opened your account, there are no minimum deposit or balance requirements, and no monthly account fees.

Can I get my Amex card number over the phone? ›

If you are eligible, you can get your Instant Card Number if you apply for a Card online (via desktop or mobile device) or over the phone with a customer service representative.

How do I call American Express to make a payment? ›

The easiest way you can pay your American Express credit card is either online or over the phone, by calling (800) 472-9297. You can also make a payment through the American Express mobile app or by mail. American Express does allow cardholders to set up automatic payments, too.

Does Amex have a daily limit? ›

If you have a Consumer or Business Green, Gold or Platinum Card, your Card does not have a credit limit. Instead, your Card has no preset spending limit unless you have been previously notified otherwise. No preset spending limit means the spending limit is flexible.

Can I use Amex USA in India? ›

While Visa and Mastercard are generally accepted in more locations, you likely won't have problems using American Express in India, especially in the major cities. Before you start using an Amex card abroad, however, you should make sure it doesn't charge a foreign transaction fee.

Is American Express a bank in India? ›

American Express Banking Corp is a multinational payment card services company that operates card networks in India under the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007 (PSS Act).

Is Amex working in India? ›

The answer is Yes.

Why is no one accepting American Express? ›

The different fees often make or break a deal for a merchant. This is why many merchants, especially small businesses, don't accept American Express. American Express' interchange fee is just too high. Providers like Visa and Mastercard charge between 1.15% and 2.5%, while Amex charges merchants between 1.43% and 3.3%.

How do you talk to a live person for serve? ›

If you have any questions about the Serve temporary card or Serve, please call Serve Customer Service at 1-800-954-0559 (“Customer Service”) anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This Cardholder Agreement governs your use of the Serve temporary card.

Does closing a credit card hurt your credit? ›

A number of credit scoring models — including FICO, which is the score used most often by lenders — continue to count accounts for many years after you've closed them. So closing an account won't have an immediate effect in those cases, but rather several years down the line.

How do I call American Express about a dispute? ›

Call us at: 1-800-446-6307 or write to us at: American Express, P.O. Box 30384, Salt Lake City, UT 84130. To investigate your dispute, we must hear from you no later than 60 calendar days after we sent the FIRST statement on which the problem or error appeared.


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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

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Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.